Our Policies

About Us

Charity’ alone is not a lasting solution to enable change for the millions of women living in India today, who have little or no access to food, education, justice (social/economic) and are exploited daily.

A rights based approach ensures that entitlements are available to all women without any discrimination. They are universal and non–negotiable.

Along with our project partners, we aim to ensure that the government fulfils their duty by providing the necessary infrastructure and services as per the needs of the people and at the best quality possible.

We believe that the best interest of women needs to be put at the centre of all policy, legislation and practices affecting their lives.

Accountability and transparency are values that WINGS is founded on. We continuously invest, monitor and account for resources raised and disbursed.

A cadre of talented, committed professionals at the core of WINGS’ organisation continually push us on towards achieving newer milestones.